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About Us

Nanoscale Science Laboratory is located at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, home to the beautiful natural wonders in the North Western Ontario. The group consists of enthusiastic students and researchers with diverse backgrounds. Based in nanoscale/surface science, our research is supported by various Canadian funding agencies (NSERC-DG, NSERC-RTI, CRC, NFRF - Exploration, Ontario Early Researcher Award, CFI-JELF, CFI-IF) to design and make novel low-dimensional nanomaterials through an interdisciplinary approach at the intersection of chemistry, physics, and materials science. nanolabebrahimi

Latest Publications

Three types of moiré patterns, denoted as α-, β-, and γ-patterns, were observed in the molecular self-assembly of 1,3,5-tris(4-cyanophenyl)benzene (TCPB) on HOPG. Their relative stability was studied through thermally induced phase transitions monitored in situ by scanning tunneling microscopy. 

# Maryam Ebrahimi # Lakehead University # Surface Science # Nano Lab # Low-dimensional Nanomaterials # 2D Materials
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